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Study subjects (syllabus) polygraph examiner course 

Studying the law and human rights for polygraph examiners - 12 hours

  • Knowledge of the laws relevant to the subject of polygraph tests around the world

  • The polygraph in the criminal investigation procedures. (until the main sentence)

  • The polygraph in the civil procedure

  • Fundamental rights, human dignity and freedom


Professional ethics and professional standards in the polygraph - 8 hours

  • The Code of Ethics of the Association of Polygraph Examiners in Israel

  • Professional guidelines for the polygraph examiner according to A.P.A

  • The subject's rights in the polygraph test

  • Dilemmas and various ethical issues


Introduction and history in the development of psychophysiological tests to detect lies and acts of deception - 10 hours

  • Body language with an emphasis on detecting lies

  • History and ancient methods for detecting lies (including watching a documentary on such a test)

  • Getting to know significant figures who designed and contributed to the development of modern polygraph methods, including the various incarnations of the polygraph device

  • An introduction to the test methods and decoding methods throughout the development of the polygraph process

  • Logical versus chronological development

  • The method of focusing attention in the test

  • Knowing the red, green, black zones

  • Additional flattening that pretends to be a false diagnosis  


The scientific diagnostic method on the various aspects - 8 hours

  • The scientific requirements for making a diagnosis

  • Field studies versus laboratory studies

  • Knowing the methods of scientific diagnosis and various factors that affect the test

  • Various biases in making diagnoses (FALSE NEGATIVE, FALSE POSITIVE(

  • Tester biases and subject biases

  • The diagnosis of the polygraph in the science, does the polygraph meet scientific criteria

  • Presentation of various studies on the effectiveness and validity of polygraph tests

Getting to know how to operate the polygraph machine - 16 hours

  • Knowing and operating the computerized polygraph device

  • Knowing the different sensors

  • Calibration of the computerized device

  • The location and manner of sitting the subject during the examination itself for all its stages

  • Registration of all events in the test itself  


The introduction to investigation and questioning - 4 hours

  • Types of questions

  • Environmental conditions

  • Adaptation of examiner or investigator  to the subject

  • Questioning and investigation methods

  • Performing various research simulations


The theory of wording the questions in the polygraph test - 32 hours

  • The types of questions present in the polygraph tests

  • Defining the purpose of the test and adapting the questions to the purpose

  • The theory of formulating questions on their various types IR, R, C, SY, SC,

  • Practices in constructing questions including according to different events

  • Outside Issue 25-26

  • Inside Issue 23-24


Techniques in polygraph tests (types of tests and formal structures) - 40 hours

  • RIR, CQT

  • Single issue multiple issue

  • Baxter, Meta, Reed, Air Force

  • DOD, Utah,  .K.P.Y, S.K.P.Y, SCREENING

  • MGQT, GQT, P.O.T, C.I.T




  • DISGUISED C– DOD (do you intend to lie, did you lie in the test)

  • ZCT (Baxter) – symptomatic (outside issue)

  • Probable lie / Directed lie


The preliminary questioning – pretest interview - 10 hours

  • Understanding the importance of the pretest

  • The process of obtaining a background from the subject

  • The principles and variations of the preliminary questioning

  • Putting the subject into the appropriate psychological set for testing

  • Building a background for the correct formulation of the test questions with the subject

  • Designing and formulating questions, adapting them to changing circumstances

  • Attempt to identify variable factors that may affect the test

  • Explain the test process to the subject

  • Performing preliminary call simulations


Questioning after testing - 8 hours

  • Completion of the polygraph test

  • Subject's reference to the test

  • The examiner's reference to the initial findings

  • The subject's reference to the initial test findings

  • Questioning with reference to the test findings


Introduction to psychology for polygraph examiners - 10 hours

  • Foundational concepts in psychology and the context for the polygraph field

  • The structure of human memory and the effect on the test

  • The individual's perception of himself

  • The individual's perception of the act in question

  • The cognitive process

  • Personality disorders that affect the polygraph test

  • Emotional / mental / mental stimulation


Physiology in the polygraph - 10 hours

  • Basic concepts in physiology and the context for the polygraph field

  • The cardiovascular system in the human body

  • Respiratory system

  • The central nervous system

  • The sympathetic and parasympathetic system

  • Muscles and the skeletal system

  • Pharmacology and drugs and their effect on the test


Analysis of test results - 40 hours

• Analyzing the subject's physiological reactions for the purpose of making a decision as to whether he is lying or telling the truth.

• Identifying reactions that should be considered in the analysis and reactions that should not be considered in this process.

• Notation techniques - test chart analysis method (scoring):

  • Global approach

  • Numerical scoring

  • 3 positions scoring

  • 7 positions scoring

  • Empirical scoring system (e.s.s)

• Acceptable rules for analysis according to different methods

• Current Baxter method

• Determining conclusions, cut-off points

• Alternative theoretical explanations for inventing physiological reactions when telling a lie

• Analysis of truth charts


Intentional attempts to disrupt the test – counter measures - 8 hours

• Identify common test tampering attempts

• Identifying attempts at physical, mental or medicinal disruption - and ways of dealing with them

• Attempts to disrupt made by a truth teller


Polygraph report - 4 hours

• Writing the polygraph test report

• Writing an expert opinion

• Ethical issues in reporting to the client


Practical exercises - practicum - 60 hours

• Conducting polygraph tests under conditions that simulate real conditions and on various subjects

• Performance of at least 3 documented tests


Additional Training - 50 hours

  • teaching topics related to the polygraph test and deepening the topics detailed above in the course program based on individual adaptation to the student and according to the extent of his knowledge. (Strengthening weak points)

  • relevant issue gravity

  • Ethical issues in reporting to the client

  • situational tests - victim test, guilt complex test, statement test

  • heavy emotional charge client Tests

  • Two-sided testing

  • Silent Answer tests 

  • Checking statement

  • Victim inspection

  • Practice performing situational tests


Tests - 20 hours

• 3-4 tests during the course

• A summative test on the theoretical material and a practical summative test • 3-4 timed tests during the course

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